HR Deserves A Better Reputation

Hello, my name is Pamela Flowers. I am very glad you have found my website focused on HR. I have always felt that HR departments get a bad reputation. There are some HR departments that make life difficult for the workforce, but this doesn't have to be the case. I have stayed abreast on the changing world of HR and it is really amazing how some HR departments are training employees and the creative ways that they recognize the achievements of these employees. So in defense of HR, I have decided to create a blog that covers all the great work they often do.

New To Septic Tank Care? Maintenance Basics You Should Know

Business Blog

If you're moving into a home that relies on a septic system for wastewater management, it's important that you establish a solid septic tank maintenance plan right from the start. Especially for those unfamiliar with septic systems, it's easy to overlook important elements that can directly affect how your septic system operates and its lifespan. Here's a look at some of the fundamentals of a sound septic system maintenance plan to help keep your system flowing as it should.

Routine Septic Pumping And Inspections

Every septic tank needs to be pumped periodically to keep it clean. While water waste will filter out to the drain field, solid waste won't. It breaks down in the septic tank, creating sludge that must be pumped out regularly so that you don't end up with an overflow problem. 

How often your tank needs to be pumped will depend on a variety of factors. When you move in, reach out to a septic tank maintenance contractor to have it pumped and inspected as soon as possible. During this service, talk with the contractor about the size of the tank and the number of people in your household. These factors will affect how often you should have the tank pumped. Then, make sure that you don't exceed the recommended pumping duration.

Be Mindful Of What Reaches Your Septic Tank

Your septic tank shouldn't process anything other than wastewater, toilet tissue, and human waste. Don't flush sanitary products, diapers, wipes, or anything of the sort. Additionally, you should avoid letting grease or food waste go down the drains. These things won't break down properly in the septic tank and can lead to backups and overflow issues as well as costly cleaning services.

Regulate Your Water Consumption

Remember that any water you run down your drains must go first to your septic tank before it filters into the drain field. As a result, you need to be mindful of how much water you're sending to the tank at any one time. 

Filtering the water out to the drain field is a process, so the water that reaches your septic tank doesn't just automatically flow into the drain field. That's why it's important to moderate the water flow. Don't run multiple loads of laundry back to back or run several water-using fixtures at one time. Space out your laundry to a load or two a day, and try to keep your showers, dishwasher, and other water-consuming fixtures from running at the same time.

Talk with a septic tank maintenance technician today for more information about taking care of your septic tank.  


19 August 2021